for on the twelfth day of christmas your true love may just give to you...
a family session with mL photography in 2011. oh yes. a whole session. just.for.you.
did I mention that it will not only include up to two hours of on location shooting (here in grand haven) but also a complimentary 11x14 print (revealing one of the new looks to mL photography's offerings in 2011...)
you might just want to win this one if you like having super fabulous moments of you and your family just being, well, you and your family, plastered all over your wall.
first, did you check out westedge group's fanpage on facebook?? and perhaps like them which in return adds another dollar to their fabulous donation to one of three fantastic charities (your choice where your money goes...) ?? simple.as.that. and giving to charities makes my heart smile..three times too big. the good kind too big.
(and if you do not have facebook no worries, you can *still* enter this mother of a giveaway, too...)
okay now here comes the fun...
to enter to win a session with mL photography in 2011 (including that 11x14 print), why don't we play a little christmas mad libs of sorts...
you need to simply fill in the blanks on this little "twas the night before christmas" poem and make it your own. you might just want to copy it and fill it in and then repaste it in the comments (which is where you will enter..)
here goes:
twas the night before christmas when... _______________________________ the house,
not a _____________________________ , not even a mouse.
the _____________________________ with care,
in hopes that ___________________ there.
the children ____________________________ their beds,
while ______________________________ heads.
when _____________________________ clatter,
I __________________________________ matter.
(and now comes the part where you add your own 1-2 verses in here...whatEVER your little heart desires... right.here.)
but I heard _____________________________,
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
and there you have it! this is a kind of free for all mad libs. when you fill in the blanks, you can add as many or as little words of your choosing and when you get to the end where you need to make up your own two verses, again, *you* decide.
phew! I know, sounds like a lot of work. which is why the contest of giveaway day 12 will end *december 31* at midnight. plenty o time to get your creative juices flowing and have oh.so.much fun with it. and I so hope you do....
just remember, just like with life, don't take it too seriously..
laugh. ahlot.
and think of what just may be waiting for you if you do....
oh yeah. and there is a pretty cool runner-up prize, too. and maybe a lil somethin, somethin else as well?? but I am not at liberty to say. santa just might be listening...
merry christmas my amazing clients, family, friends, and everyone in between. this past year? has been inCREDible for mL photography and it is all thanks to you.
I am grateful to be able to give back. and I hope you have loved every minute of the twelve days of giveaway. and my sponsors? you RULE. your generosity and support overwhelm me.
twas a good year. and I am oh so excited to see what will happen next...how about you??