it amazed me how in the few short hours we were together I could distinguish each baby's personality and sometimes... even remember all of their names. the colored onesies were a production for some of the moms to create but I am so glad they decided to go for it (okay, I will take credit for the idea of brightly colored onesies since I can't take much credit for the adorable shoot that the babies allowed me to create....)
I love this image...a spiral of cuteness.
but this is definitely my favorite by far. all those little chubby baby parts and adorable cheeks and faces..seriously. it doesn't get any better than this. and yes all of the babies are real.
but I bet you can't guess how many boppies lie hidden underneath the whispery whiteness....
girls know how to gossip at a very young age...
and boys begin the endless pursuit of trying to figure it all out.
another sweet, sweet image I adore. and with a name like Iris, who can resist?
she was really fascinated by the other babies' feet throughout the course of the shoot...
hmmm....can I reach that foot? see what I mean...
I love it when babies think I am funny..(oh wait, she was looking at her mom.....)
this was my creative attempt at babies popping up from seemingly out of nowhere...or rather, how many moms can we squish behind the couch before they become claustrophobic and give me the look.
and the girls rule.....did you expect anything less?
yes, of course all of the babies were always as happy as Kendall here....okay, just one more image to let you know sometimes a girl just needs to let it out....
it's my party and I'll cry if I want to.
Missy! What a wonderful job! I can't wait to get my cd and order some pictures! You have such a talent and we loved working with you!
Rebekah (mom to Iris)
OH MY WORD!!!!! That is the CUTEST shoot! The multi-color onsies are GREAT!
thanks so much Rebekah! Iris is adorable with those big gorgeous eyes! I dropped the cds and ordering packets off at Brie's house yesterday so hopefully you will get it soon! I so enjoyed working with all of you, too!
and as usual, Katie, thank you for always making me feel all warm inside with your kind comments....
Wow Missy! You cease to amaze me! These are the cutest pictures yet. Where did all these babies come from anyway???? I am speechless!!! xoxoxoxox Laura
These are some of the most beautiful photos I have ever seen! Okay, maybe I'm a little biased... :) The light is just stunning. I think you are wonderful and can't wait to see more.
Jen McCann-Bauer, Josephine's mom
WOW is right!!! The babies are adorable and you did an amazing job of photographing them. You never cease to amaze me with your talents!!! Love you, Mom
wow, I am feeling the love! thank you Jennifer for your kind words....your daughter has a subtle sweetness I hope to capture again in the spring!
and laura and mom, you both just rock. thank you all! I love getting comments!!
I absolutely loved looking at all these pictures. I couldn't wipe the smile from my face! The colorful onesies were a fantastic idea. You are so good at capturing expressions and organizing the image into a very professional look. You are truly gifted!
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