Sunday, September 27, 2009

ethan warren makes it widener, party of five

ethan warren widener. my healthy, 9 pounds 9 ounces, 21 inches long beautiful son, made his debut Thursday, September 24 at 10:05 am.

two of my favorite boys.

and I am in love.


and so it begins....

I am the luckiest mom ever.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

3 is the magic number

and by three, I do NOT mean triplets, though from the looks of it, you may be thinking otherwise...

no really, I don't think it's possible that I could get any bigger....
but I probably will.

One day past my due date and counting....and yes I am still here.
lets really hope three is the magic number because if baby 3 (as stubborn as he/she already is) is anything like 1 and 2, it is well worth the wait.

if I could just use a little bit of that magic now....

Thursday, September 17, 2009

makings of a fabulous wedding, part two

the rockin' newlyweds..

a gorgeous bride..

the beautiful bridesmaids..

the GQ men..

little lord of the rings..

the flower child...

the proud sister..

a moment with mom..

the doting father..

at last.

jeah. marriage rocks.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

the sensational riemersma (and sluiter) family

love this family.

they only know how to be themselves, even with me and my giant lens lurking in their faces as we traveled around the beach. they patiently waited as I used the giant port-o-potty (I'm almost ten months pregnant. enough said) and they obliged my request for just one more minute (after minute) until the giant cloud lounging in the gorgeous, yet blindingly sunny sky, made its move into the perfect shooting position.
thank you sluiter family for being just that awesome.

my favorite mini sluiter family...

newlywed supermodels....

ah, the love of brothers...

where it all began..

the next generation cometh....

could they be any happier if they tried? I love their laughter and zest for life. they cannot help it, they just are.

did I mention how much I love this family? because I do.

and every moment in between.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

almost six...going on almost sixteen

and she is not afraid to let me know it...(politely informing me, "but mom, we can't take my six year pictures, I am NOT six yet." hello, WHAT was I thinking?) teenager in training. I am in so much trouble.

audrey grace. my sassy, spycee, talkative, inquisitive, emotional, adorable little daughter. did I mention she has some mean dance moves? and a great sense of fashion? (kickin' cowgirl boots? her idea.) apparently she is a lot more like me than I care to acknowledge (did I mention she could win an oscar for her dramatizations of even the simpliest situations? that can't possibly be from me....)
even on the most trying of days, honestly, I wouldn't want her any other way.

one of my favorites.

and her laugh? it makes my nostrils shake with unabridged laughter in return...


this girl.

she has her daddy wrapped around her finger. and let's face it, I am not too far behind.
audrey, you are my little rock star.