Sunday, September 13, 2009

almost six...going on almost sixteen

and she is not afraid to let me know it...(politely informing me, "but mom, we can't take my six year pictures, I am NOT six yet." hello, WHAT was I thinking?) teenager in training. I am in so much trouble.

audrey grace. my sassy, spycee, talkative, inquisitive, emotional, adorable little daughter. did I mention she has some mean dance moves? and a great sense of fashion? (kickin' cowgirl boots? her idea.) apparently she is a lot more like me than I care to acknowledge (did I mention she could win an oscar for her dramatizations of even the simpliest situations? that can't possibly be from me....)
even on the most trying of days, honestly, I wouldn't want her any other way.

one of my favorites.

and her laugh? it makes my nostrils shake with unabridged laughter in return...


this girl.

she has her daddy wrapped around her finger. and let's face it, I am not too far behind.
audrey, you are my little rock star.


Sara Denslaw said...

very very cute! I guess this means you are still pregnant?

missy widener said...

thank you! and yes, still pregnant....I am due in one week now but hopefully sooner....for everyone's sake!

Katie said...

I LOVE that sass pants! She reminds me SOOO much of you! How can I not love her? she is going to be such a big help with her new baby sib! And how photogenic...again...just like her beautiful mama!

Unknown said...

She is truly a beautiful little girl. And you are so right about the age. But than most little girls are that way. I love them all. love from Gram Gram Abby

Anonymous said...

I don't see any numbers to tell you the ones I like.

(world's greatest brother inlaw)