Sunday, May 9, 2010

emily joan, two years old....

or rather it should be entitled, what it feels like to be in a live action children's book. without missing a beat. in a park, inside of soccer nets (because naturally, that is an obvious place to shoot...) through tunnels, steep "bridges," wooded paths, and everywhere in between.

if you make any sudden moves, you might miss the greatest little moments in between ever. so I tried not to blink. I tried to be entirely ready at ALL times. I tried to pretend like it was actually easy to keep up with you, emily, at any given moment. but emily joan, my dear sweet niece, girl- you have a LOT of energy.

and though I love every ounce of it, just for a moment, I found myself wanting to shout out, "wild thing, be STILL!!!" (and I think you actually may have heard may thoughts....just for a quick second or two...)
regardless, I found myself smiling, laughing, running, chasing, being alongside of you. all the way.
so seriously, let the wild rumpus begin....

emily really taught me to shoot "artistically".....

and I think we were lucky enough to get a few sweet smiles in between...

love the little booty in the air....the only way to truly get a good look at the water, but of course...

and I think you know, emily, that whenever you are ready to travel through days and through nights back to the comfort of your parents' arms and be still, even for if just a few cuddles and loving, they will always be there waiting for you. and their hugs will still be warm.

but I doubt that is going to be any time soon....

and that is just the way we like you our little wild thing, emily joan.


Katie said...

ah a wild streak! Not that you know anything about that, right? Love these pictures! The piggy tails, the dimply goodness! Love!

missy widener said...

no, I know NOthing about wild things, katie, whatever do you mean?!! yes the dimple- all the cousins have it so far....and I adore it!

Anonymous said...

What a little doll you are cute..and so very active!!! Missy, you managed to capture another little munchkin at their very best. Love her adorable smiles. Mom